Tuesday, December 13, 2011


One small act can have such a big impact, and with Christmas almost here, let's hope all the little acts of kindness make a huge difference. I truly believe there is more good in the world than there is bad. But if you watch the news, you would probably think otherwise.

I teach a course to elementary age students about anti-bullying. In the course, I encourage them to look at the good in others and what's around them, rather than just seeing the bad. If they were to do that, then they would in turn act off that kindness. Well, it worked. One child came up to me and said he was going to help his parents cook Christmas dinner, or at least help bake the cookies. His face lit up when I smiled at him. Then wouldn't you know it, another child, then another raised their hand and practically stumbled over their words trying to tell me EVERYTHING they would do to be nice. Maybe I should get them to come to my house!

Okay, here's something that I think is a good act happening on December 24th. Coffee Time Romance's Santa Watch  http://coffeetimeromance.com/CoffeeThoughts/ will host an event that last all day with authors, some NYT bestselling authors, and lots of giveaways. Always love a giveaway!! 

My friend, Zee, from http://firepages.blogspot.com/ is the only blogger asked to guest post for the event. GO ZEE!! I'm so happy for her. Zee was asked to talk about books she loves, and ALTERED will be listed under the category "Amazing First Impressions." She always amazes me with her kindness. Me and my work will be mentioned, as well as a giveaway. So mark your calendar for the 24th and be sure to leave a comment. That's the only way to be included in a drawing for lots of great stocking stuffers.

To you and yours, have a very peaceful and Merry Christmas filled with good acts of kindness!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Guest Feature In Magazine!!

Have you ever had something happen that you were expecting, but it turned out waaay better than you thought it would? Well, that sort of thing just happened to me. My friend, who happens to be a published author, Josephine Temepleton, writes for a local magazine called Town Favorites. Where I live, the magazine is a hit and one of my personal favorites. Before I met Jo, I knew of her articles and would search for it each month (page 38 - and I can go right to it!)

Now to the good part. I knew I would be featured in the December issue, but I had no idea when I read the final it would give me the warm fuzzies like it did. Okay, I'll admit it, I did tear up. Jo is an exceptional writer, and if you get a chance, please check out her published work at http://www.josephonetempleton.com/. She has more on the way, so keep your eyes open.

Instead of me telling you more about the article, here's the link so you can see for yourself. Christmas surprizes come all sorts of ways. For me, one I'll never forget is the gift of someone choosing me as their feature article. Thanks, Jo!

                                            December 2011 issue with Laura Burks