Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Luncheon Fun!

A few post ago, I mentioned that I would give you an update of this year's FALL INTO ROMANCE READERS LUNCHEON 2011. Well, here it is. I wish all of you could have joined us. Just like last year, everyone received a goodie bag filled with author bookmarks, a book, and extras. (Gotta love extras!) There was a chance to win a door prize and gift baskets. The gift baskets were filled to the brim with books of all genres. One basket, donated by the very generous Deborah LeBlanc, even had a Kindle. Now that's a basket worth fighting for.

After a buffet style lunch of Southern classics (if you've never had Southern food, you're really missing out,) the group was in awe as Deborah LeBlanc and Sabrina Jeffries shared stories that made us laugh and really think about the importance of being a writer in today's market. As Deborah mentioned, now is the best time to get published. So many have pounded the pavement of the interent, searching out agents, only to be rejected and heartbroken. As she stated, some are turning to the wonderful world of epub, with control of their own destiny, and keeping all the profits themselves. Hmmm ... that idea could have us sending the rejection letters.

The bottom line is, it's the readers that have the final say. They are the ones that encourage writers to keep their fingers on the keyboard and their mind in create mode. The readers are the ones that give us the most reviews and feedback. But most of all, the readers make us smile. How wonderful it is to look into the eyes of someone who has read your book and hear them say they can't wait for the next one.

That luncheon was my first official book signing. How cool is that? Not only did I get to celebrate with some of my family, I had friends and made new ones to help me hit the ground running. I'll never forget that day because of all who were there, and I can't wait for next year. Mark your calendar for November 5, 2012. The incredible and talented Heather Graham of New Orleans will be joining us. Trust me, you'll want to be there!

So keep reading. You just never know when you'll meet the author!

                      Before the crowd was let in to purchase and have their books signed.

Published authors who attended. I'm all the way on the right. It's not a very close picture of everyone, but with 90 people attending, it's tough to get a good spot for a pic. All attending authors were: Melanie Atkins, Christee Atwood, Nancy Brandt, Laura Burks, Dawn Chariter, Eleanor Cocreham, Chere Coen, Barbara Colley, Claudy Conn, Kimberly Frost, Sabrina Jeffries, Rhonda Leah, Deborah LeBlanc, Anne Clayre Mason, Farrah Rochon, June Shaw, Lynn Shurr, Candice Stauffer, Josephone Templeton, Robin Wells, and Ursala Whistler

                     Me with Sabrina Jeffries, our speaker and multi Best Selling author.

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