Tuesday, September 27, 2011

How Do You Know?

Okay, here's one for you. How do you know what people really think of you? The answer is you don't. They might tell you kind words to your face, and you only hope that they do behind your back, but do we really know?

One of the reasons I'm bringing this up is because I was thinking back to elementary school. Yes, way back to first grade. I'm not going to say how far back, just trust me, it was in the early 70's. Seems like just yesterday. Anyway, I can remember the very first day of first grade when the teacher came around and asked what we wanted to be when we grew up. Some said a doctor, a teacher, a bus driver. Then it was my turn. I answered I wanted to be famous. What was I thinking? At the time I was fascinated with TV shows and all I could think of was I wanted to be on one. If only the Brady Bunch needed another sister, I would have had it made. Well, that and bleaching my hair blonde to fit in.

I can remember a few kids laughing, but to me, it was an honest answer. Come to find out, a few others wanted the same thing, but were too chicken to say it out loud. It seems even as time goes on, people are sometimes afraid of saying what they really think or feel. That's a shame. We miss so many opportunities that once it's gone, it might not come back.

I'm writing this because as a young adult author, I want the youth of today to know that you should never be afraid of speaking up or being who you are. With that being said, thanks eveyone for all your emails and kind reviews of Altered. It's been a dream come true to share my book with you and have the opportunity to get to know you.

Now go out there and grab your dream ... it's all yours!  Oh, and if you have anything you want to share with me, I'd love to know.


  1. In my humble opinion, political correctness has distorted who we really are as human beings. We feel uneasy that we may say the wrong thing and it will be taken out of context. I also think this concept has creeped into our books as writers and its a shame.

    Your blog reminded me of my childhood ambitions. I always wanted to be a garbage man. To ride around town holding on to the back of a speeding truck would have been the ultimate in cool! But, I ended up pushing shopping carts. I retired from Wal-Mart a few years ago.

    Congrats on Altered!

  2. Thanks Robert and I wish you much success with your book, "The Monkey Toy."
